Dr Lisa Kaestner

Dr Lisa Kaestner


Consultant Urologist



I am a consultant urologist and the academic program director at the University of Cape Town and Groote Schuur Hospital. As long as I can remember I wanted to be a plastic surgeon, but while working at 2-Military Hospital as a medical officer I met a delightful urologist named Peter Nicolle. He offered to “teach me some plumbing”. His pragmatic clinical approach and excellent surgical skills convinced me that urology was the most sensible of all surgical disciplines. I still believe that it the most logical and sensible of all the surgical disciplines!

I may not be a plastic surgeon but I have a great love for reconstructive urology. I work primarily in non-oncological ailments, especially in nephrolithiasis and I am a “grandfathered” (not quite old enough to be a grandmother yet) urogynaecologist. My current research activities include the genetics of prostate cancer in South African men, epidemiology of nephrolithiasis and novel mesh options for prolapse repair.

I am a proud UCT-trained urologist.  I am an executive member in the College of Urology and a regular college examiner. I was recently awarded the Storz Urology Prize by the SAUA. Despite my full academic and clinical program, I am an avid cyclist and a proud mother of a wonderful, strong young-adult daughter.  If you need advice or support while negotiating your path to become a urologist, please feel free to contact me.