Urology training in South Africa has evolved over years and we celebrate the women who have since become Urologists in the past years!
The speciality has been a male dominated field and in 2020 SAUA is proud and supports the exciting venture that numbers of females in the field is increasing and is worthy to be announced with a warm welcome.
The SAUA acknowledges Women in Urology in Africa (WUA) that allow inclusion of female urologists from the rest of the continent, not just South Africa and offers support to support and advocacy for women in Urology beyond borders.
The WUA is a venture to support colleagues who have completed and those that are in training through teaching, mentorship and research support.
Advocacy: Campaign for female representation as invited speakers at academic meetings, “bridge the gap”.
Networking: Establish global connections with other female urologists to create opportunities for women in urology.
By Building and maintaining strong relationships with other female urologists locally and abroad.
To increase visibility of women within the societies and give women ‘the voice’.
To invest time to support colleagues but also to take up leadership roles to improve female representation.
The intention of the biographies is to share our stories to provide insight and know one another more than the speciality. To give inspiration to one another and young women who may be considering urology but perhaps hesitant due to perceived male dominance.